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1.6.Geocode Results


The Geocode Results will display in columns at the end of your spreadsheet as follows:  



Field Description:


Geocode status

This is a code to display which parts of the address were correctly matched. If there is no match the result will return a blank _

The Geocode codes and what they represent can be seen in the geocode data settings:





B =  Building match ( e.g The Sandcastle)

N = Street number match (e.g 23 Falcon Street)

S = Street match (e.g 23 Falcon Street)

P = Place (suburb) match

L = Locale (town) match

R = Province match

C = Postal code match

M = MnType (Municipality Type)

I = Primary land use ( e.g Residential)

G = GtiType (Geoterra Image Type, type of area per GTI classification e.g Metro Urban)



These can be changed as desired in the settings to your own codes for each field by just clicking and entering them in. If you don't want a field represented in the results then leave the prefix for it blank.


*Note in an unstructured situation you may get false positives, for example Pretoria Town could match to Pretoria Street, you will get an S in the Status, even though it is not a correct match.

As the results are returned in your excel spreadsheet you can sort or filter on the Geocode Status column to identify records with the best matches, and those that require further geocoding or manual interaction.  

NS___PLR_ Good Match - Number, Road, Suburb, Town and Province

N______R_ Poor Match – Number and Province only

You can also use the ‘Geocode Check Distance’ column for further verification


Geocode Building

The building name.  

Geocode Number

The Street Number

Geocode Street

The street name

Geocode Place

The suburb name

Geocode Locale

The town name

Geocode Province

The province name

Geocode Code

The postal code

Geocode MnType

The municipality type, refers to Local municipality type as published in the 2011 StatsSA spatial data release. (This field is just returned when geocoding and is not an actual weight to adjust.)


Geocode Primary

The primary land use of the area, refers to Area based primary land use per EA, e.g Residential. (This field is just returned when geocoding and is not an actual weight to adjust.)


Geocode GtiType

Geoterra Image Type, type of area per GTI classification, for example Metro Urban, Non-Metro Urban, etc. (This field is just returned when geocoding and is not an actual weight to adjust)


Geocode Score

A count of the number of fields that matched.

For example _S__PLR_ means that the street, suburb, town and province matched so the score is 4.  If you changed your weightings in the settings box it will count accordingly  

Geocode Type

Str = Street matches

Cnr = Corner matches

POI = POI matches


Geocode Source

The dataset that the geocode result comes from.  Currently we are only using MapIT (Tom Tom) data as a source but a user can also add their own custom data sets if available


X and Y

The coordinates of the result

X= Longitude

Y= Latitude


Geocode Check Distance

Results will be returned in this field if the distance check was set before geocoding. The distance check measures the distance in meters from a point in the suburb/town geocode result, to a point in the suburb/town provided in the street address.  You can use this distance check to confirm matches where suburb/town names are different in the data and results. For example, if the address is 23 Katherine Street Sandhurst and the geocode result is 23 Katherine Street Sandton, the suburb is different, but the distance check is less than 1km it means that sandhurst and sandton are in close proximity and the result is most likely correct, even though the suburb names are different.  


Geocode Classification

*Only returned if you are running a classification to a layer e.g. municipality etc.